<% 'Dim Rs, SQL Dim key, DownID Dim ServerID, SoftID, DownLoadUrl, DownPath,Fname Dim isMember, MoneyNum, UserGroupName Dim xl,lry If Not IsNumeric(ekstos(Request.querystring("key"))) And Request.querystring("key") <> "" then ' Response.write "" ' Response.write "e时空学习资源导航—警告!!!" ' Response.write "" ' Response.write "" ' Response.write"错误的系统参数!" ' Response.write "" ' Response.end Else key = ekstos(Request.Querystring("key")) lry=request("lry") End If If key = "" Then Response.Write ("") on error resume next DownPath=lry 'dim xll 'Set xll = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ' xll.Open "HEAD",DownPath,False ' xll.Send 'if xll.status=200 then Response.Redirect (DownPath) 'else 'Response.write "" 'Response.write "e时空学习资源导航" 'Response.write "" 'Response.write "
" 'Response.write "
  • 抱歉!当前链接:
  • "&lry&"
  • " 'Response.write "
    " 'Response.write "" 'Response.write "
    您可以点击:"&Fname&"  进行更多相关搜索." 'Response.write "
    " ' Response.end 'end if Function IsValidUrl(skycnurl) on error resume next Set xl = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") xl.Open "HEAD",skycnurl,False xl.Send IsValidUrl = (xl.status=200) End Function function ekstos(str) dim b b="becde987654321fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" dim a1,a2,a3,d,a dim t() d=1 if Mid(str,1,1)="z" then redim t(fix(len(str)-1)/2) a= UBound(t) dim x for x=0 to a-1 step 1 d=d+1 a2=instr(b,mid(str,d,1)) d=d+1 a3=instr(b,mid(str,d,1)) t(x)=a2*41+a3 next else redim t(fix(len(str)/3)) a= UBound(t) for x=0 to a-1 step 1 a1=instr(1,b,mid(str,d,1)) d=d+1 a2=instr(b,mid(str,d,1)) d=d+1 a3=instr(b,mid(str,d,1)) d=d+1 t(x)=(a1-1)*1681+(a2-1)*41+(a3-1) next end if dim ra ra="" for x=0 to a-1 step 1 ra=ra&chrw(t(x)) next ekstos=ra end function function geturlencodel(byval url)'中文文件名转换 Dim i,code geturlencodel="" if trim(Url)="" then exit function for i=1 to len(Url) code=Asc(mid(Url,i,1)) if code<0 Then code = code + 65536 If code>255 Then geturlencodel=geturlencodel&"%"&Left(Hex(Code),2)&"%"&Right(Hex(Code),2) else 'geturlencodel=geturlencodel&mid(Url,i,1) geturlencodel=geturlencodel&"%"&right(Hex(Code),2) end if next end function '*************************************************************** Dim url,strUrl,strPath Dim strInceptFile strInceptFile = "swf,fla,jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp,tif,iff,mp3,wma,rm,wmv,mid,rmi,cda,avi,mpg,mpeg,ra,ram,wov,asf" url = Replace(Replace(Replace(Request("url"), "'", ""), "%", ""), "\", "/") 'if CheckFileExt(url) Then 'strPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\" & url 'strPath = Replace(strPath, "/", "\") 'Call downThisFile(strPath) 'End If if CheckFileExt(url) Then strPath = Server.MapPath(url) strPath = Replace(strPath, "/", "\") Call downThisFile(strPath) else End If Sub downThisFile(thePath) Response.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim stream, fileName, fileContentType fileName = split(thePath,"\")(UBound(split(thePath,"\"))) Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") stream.Open stream.Type = 1 stream.LoadFromFile(thePath) Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & fileName Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", stream.Size Response.Charset = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite stream.Read Response.Flush stream.Close Set stream = Nothing End Sub Function CheckFileExt(ByVal strFile) Dim ArrInceptFile Dim i, strFileExt On Error Resume Next If Trim(strFile) = "" Or IsEmpty(strFile) Then CheckFileExt = False Exit Function End If strFileExt = GetFileExtName(strFile) strFileExt = LCase(strFileExt) strInceptFile = LCase(strInceptFile) If Len(strInceptFile) = 0 Then CheckFileExt = True Exit Function End If ArrInceptFile = Split(strInceptFile, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(ArrInceptFile) If Trim(strFileExt) = Trim(ArrInceptFile(i)) Then CheckFileExt = True Exit Function Else CheckFileExt = False End If Next CheckFileExt = False End Function Function GetFileExtName(ByVal strFilePath) Dim strExtName strExtName = Mid(strFilePath, InStrRev(strFilePath, ".") + 1) If InStr(strExtName, "?") > 0 Then GetFileExtName = Left(strExtName, InStr(strExtName, "?") - 1) Else GetFileExtName = strExtName End If End Function %>